/slot-mega/i-got-the-depo-shot-before-my-periodunidiltek_ac_id_pages I GOT THE DEPO SHOT BEFORE MY PERIOD🎿No Period After Stopping Depo Can I Still

I GOT THE DEPO SHOT BEFORE MY PERIOD🎿No Period After Stopping Depo Can I Still

i got the depo shot before my period   I GOT THE DEPO SHOT BEFORE MY PERIOD i got the depo shot before my period depo provera, commonly known as the depo shot, is a hormonal contraceptive injection that provides birth control for about three months after stopping the injections, it may take some time for your fertility to return for some women, it can take a few months to resume ovulation and regular menstrual periods

I GOT THE DEPO SHOT BEFORE MY PERIOD the longer you use the shot, the more likely it is for your periods to stop if you've stopped using the shot, it can take several months for your period to return to what it was before you started the shot but it only takes 15 weeks after your last shot for the pregnancy protection to wear off i got the depo shot before my period signs of pregnancy after depo provera (medroxyprogesterone) may include missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, and more many people are able to get pregnant around 10 months after their last depo provera shot, but the label notes it may take up to 18 months i got the depo shot before my period

I GOT THE DEPO SHOT BEFORE MY PERIOD common side effects include irregular or no periods, bone thinning, weight gain, delayed ovulation, injection site reactions, and depression some may also experience headaches, dizziness, and fatigue be sure to discuss any concerns with your doctor i got the depo shot before my period when to see a health care provider used as a form of contraception, depo provera (medroxyprogesterone) is an injection that keeps you from ovulating as long as you consistently get the i got the depo shot before my period

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